This service allows you to route incoming calls to different destination numbers or call plans at different times of the day, or days of the week.
Example: Betweeen your business hours of 9 to 5 we make the calls go the main office and 5:01 pm through to 8:59am we send the calls to after hours voicemail.
In order to retain callers and reduce their frustration when lines are busy, a Call Queue can be used. Calls are queued within the carrier network rather than on your phone system and lines, meaning that you don’t need expensive surplus lines on site to handle call volumes that only occur during peak periods. With network Call Queueing you have unlimited line capacity.
This service adds an automated menu system to your number (press 1 for Sales, 2 for Customer Support etc.).
Like all services, Call Recording is a cloud-based feature that can be activated instantly on any number – even ported landlines, without any hardware installation. Fully scalable to any size organisation, recordings can either be downloaded or delivered by email or FTP. Call Recording is available on all inbound numbers.